Digital Front Door

Open the Door to Care Convenience
digital front door

A Wholly Connected Experience

Pressures on the healthcare industry to rapidly evolve to a consumer-centered approach are immense. Non-healthcare industries have shaped consumer perceptions about what “good” looks like, and the widespread adoption of digital solutions by these industries—driven, expected, and preferred by consumers—has increasingly made analogous capabilities table stakes for healthcare providers. The pandemic and pervasiveness of disruptive new entrants only accelerated this requirement for consumer-centric digital experiences.

Our digital team works closely with health system leaders to define and prioritize investment for the many components of the “digital front door.” We help organizations align on “digital front door” objectives, including new patient acquisition, established patient engagement and retention, and interactions with referring providers and referred patients. Together, we build a common understanding of the strategic implications of a “digital front door” and chart the path to a practical plan to achieve success.

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