
The Future of Cancer

A New Ecosystem of Cancer Care Is Emerging
1 minute

As the healthcare industry undergoes a period of profound change, the cancer care ecosystem will be remade. The participants in this ecosystem (providers, payers, purchasers, and private capital) will array in ways previously unimaginable—shifting how cancer care is consumed, delivered, and financed.

In this issue brief, we lay out 5 predictions about the future of oncology over the next 5 years. We explore the implications for today’s community and academic cancer centers—and what it will take for them to thrive in the ecosystem that is emerging.


“The future of cancer care will be a story of rapid clinical innovation, managing the cost of that innovation, and a reshuffling of roles in the oncology industry. … Succeeding will require balance as cancer centers seek to reposition themselves for tomorrow’s relevancy while maintaining today’s viability.”


Read the Report 

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